The entry window for the Insurance Investor | North American Awards 2025 is now open. The deadline for all submissions is 18 April 2025. Please read the How to Enter guidelines prior to submitting your entry. 

Life Insurer Categories 

The "Health Insurance Provider Investment Strategy of the Year” award recognizes a health or private medical insurance risk carrier (private and public or government), either solely or as part of a wider multi-risk insurance offering.

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Entry Criteria and Methodology

  • These awards are open to those who insure life risk and are based in a jurisdiction governed by a North American regulator. The management of the insurance entity does not need to be physically based in North America.
  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer.
  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, at no charge for attending, should they be shortlisted as a Finalist. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists wishing to purchase a table of 5 or 10.
  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent).


1. In no more than five words, what type of insurance cover do you offer or specialise in, i.e. bulk annuity, general life insurance, with-profits? The judges will be using your answer to:

  • Help assess your answers to the remaining questions in the context of your business activities
  • Conduct a fair comparison to other entries in this category

2. Describe how your investment strategy is aligned with your business strategy or supports your overall business objectives? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the reason for choice of investment strategy is reasonable
  • That the approach is well-thought through and clearly understandable, and;
  • Could / should work to support your organisations business strategy and / or objectives

3. How have you found and generated outperformance for the risk and capital that you can commit to investments? Does this strategy align with current market trends, and if not, how will you adapt to ensure that you are well placed to respond to new trends? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken optimises the opportunity for gains on a risk-reward ratio basis, and;
  • If they believe the method and / or approach to identifying and generating outperformance are clearly defined

4. What have you done in the past 12-months that’s either new / different to the market or a change from your own approach in prior years, and why? If the idea has had time to reach fruition, then please provide details on how successful it was. Or, if not reached fruition stage yet, please provide details indicating it was a good decision. The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If the reason for the new / different approach sounds reasonable and well-thought through
  • If the judges believe the details offered explain the significant contribution made to the success or other positive developments experienced with the strategy, as opposed to believing the same positive developments would have occurred without the changes made

Optional 1. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “ESG Investment Strategy of the Year” award in addition to this entry] How have you integrated considerations, actions, or set guidelines for investing that align with the principles of ESG investing, that are unique, innovative, and / or novel in the industry? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken is truly unique or novel amongst peers, and;
  • If they believe the approach taken is well thought out and is being consistently applied to all or relevant investment activities

Optional 2. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “Investment Innovation of the Year” award in addition to this entry] What one innovation or series of innovations have you introduced or made to how you manage your investments that truly sets you apart from your insurance peers? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken shows an alternative or contrarian way of thinking about management of insurers investable assets, and;
  • If they believe the approach positions the entrant to deliver outperformance and / or mitigate risks where others not applying such innovations would not benefit in the same way

The "Life and Bulk Annuity Insurance Strategy of the Year” award recognizes a life or bulk annuity insurance risk carrier, either one that solely insures life risk or does so as part of a wider multi-risk insurance offering.

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Entry Criteria and Methodology

  • These awards are open to those who insure life risk and are based in a jurisdiction governed by a North American regulator. The management of the insurance entity does not need to be physically based in North America.
  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer.
  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, at no charge for attending, should they be shortlisted as a Finalist. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists wishing to purchase a table of 5 or 10.
  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent).


1. In no more than five words, what type of insurance cover do you offer or specialise in, i.e. bulk annuity, general life insurance, with-profits? The judges will be using your answer to:

  • Help assess your answers to the remaining questions in the context of your business activities
  • Conduct a fair comparison to other entries in this category

2. Describe how your investment strategy is aligned with your business strategy or supports your overall business objectives? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the reason for choice of investment strategy is reasonable
  • That the approach is well-thought through and clearly understandable, and;
  • Could / should work to support your organisations business strategy and / or objectives

3. How have you found and generated outperformance for the risk and capital that you can commit to investments? Does this strategy align with current market trends, and if not, how will you adapt to ensure that you are well placed to respond to new trends? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken optimises the opportunity for gains on a risk-reward ratio basis, and;
  • If they believe the method and / or approach to identifying and generating outperformance are clearly defined

4. What have you done in the past 12-months that’s either new / different to the market or a change from your own approach in prior years, and why? If the idea has had time to reach fruition, then please provide details on how successful it was. Or, if not reached fruition stage yet, please provide details indicating it was a good decision. The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If the reason for the new / different approach sounds reasonable and well-thought through
  • If the judges believe the details offered explain the significant contribution made to the success or other positive developments experienced with the strategy, as opposed to believing the same positive developments would have occurred without the changes made

Optional 1. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “ESG Investment Strategy of the Year” award in addition to this entry] How have you integrated considerations, actions, or set guidelines for investing that align with the principles of ESG investing, that are unique, innovative, and / or novel in the industry? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken is truly unique or novel amongst peers, and;
  • If they believe the approach taken is well thought out and is being consistently applied to all or relevant investment activities

Optional 2. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “Investment Innovation of the Year” award in addition to this entry] What one innovation or series of innovations have you introduced or made to how you manage your investments that truly sets you apart from your insurance peers? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken shows an alternative or contrarian way of thinking about management of insurers investable assets, and;
  • If they believe the approach positions the entrant to deliver outperformance and / or mitigate risks where others not applying such innovations would not benefit in the same way

Non-Life Insurer Categories 

The "Specialty Risks Insurance Investment Strategy of the Year” award recognizes a speciality risks, Lloyd's of London syndicate / managing agent, or captive insurer.

"Specialty Insurance" refers to specialty insurance risk and specialty lines insurance that underwrite risks that are not covered by standard insurance policies and require specialized, niche, or unusual risk knowledge to address.

Lloyd's of London syndicate / managing agents may be standalone Lloyd's market managing agents / syndicates or part of a wider insurance group, but enter these awards based on investments managed in support of Lloyd's market underwritten liabilities.

Special Notes

1. "Captive" insurance relates to a subsidiary of a parent company set-up for the purpose of insuring the parent company and affiliates.

2. Given the distinctions between speciality insurance, Lloyd's syndicate / managing agents, and captive insurers, Judges will assess entries comparing both like-for-like peers as well as all entrants to name an overall winner.

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Entry Criteria and Methodology

  • These awards are open to those who underwrite non-life risk as a general Property and Casualty Insurer, Speciality Insurer, Managing Agent / Syndicate that is part of the Lloyd's market, or a Captive risk insurance company, based in a jurisdiction governed by a North American regulator. The management of the insurance entity does not need to be physically based in North America.
  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, at no charge for attending, should they be shortlisted as a Finalist. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists wishing to purchase a table of 5 or 10.
  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


1. In no more than five words, what type of insurance cover do you offer or specialise in, i.e. bulk annuity, general life insurance, with-profits? The judges will be using your answer to:

  • Help assess your answers to the remaining questions in the context of your business activities
  • Conduct a fair comparison to other entries in this category

2. How have you found and generated outperformance for the risk and capital that you can commit to investments? Does this align with current market trends, and if not, how will you adapt to ensure that you are well placed to respond to new trends? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken optimises the opportunity for gains on a risk-reward ratio basis, and;
  • If they believe the method and / or approach to identifying and generating outperformance are clearly defined

3. How do you approach volatility and wider market risk management along with providing attractive returns from invested capital? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If the methods employed safeguard the investable assets from a range of market risks but also allow for the potential for attractive returns, and;
  • If the approach is considered well-structured and adaptable as market environments evolve

4. What is a stand-out feature to how you manage capital, cash, and liquidity management, such as capital reserves management, cashflow projections, cash operations, in tandem with your investment activities? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the method and / or approach to capital and cash operations complement well and / or offer opportunities for greater capital usage in investments, and;
  • That the approach is clearly defined and allows for an opportunity to be evolved, changed, or further developed over time, to the benefit of investment activities

Optional 1. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “ESG Investment Strategy of the Year” award in addition to this entry] How have you integrated considerations, actions, or set guidelines for investing that align with the principles of ESG investing, that are unique, innovative, and / or novel in the industry? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken is truly unique or novel amongst peers, and;
  • If they believe the approach taken is well thought out and is being consistently applied to all or relevant investment activities

Optional 2. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “Investment Innovation of the Year” award in addition to this entry] What one innovation or series of innovations have you introduced or made to how you manage your investments that truly sets you apart from your insurance peers? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken shows an alternative or contrarian way of thinking about management of insurers investable assets, and;
  • If they believe the approach positions the entrant to deliver outperformance and / or mitigate risks where others not applying such innovations would not benefit in the same way

The "Property & Casualty Insurance Investment Strategy of the Year” award recognizes a non-life insurance risk carrier, either one that solely insures non-life risk or does so as part of a wider multi-risk insurance offering.

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Entry Criteria and Methodology

  • These awards are open to those who underwrite non-life risk as a general Property and Casualty Insurer, Speciality Insurer, Managing Agent / Syndicate that is part of the Lloyds market, or a Captive risk insurance company, based in a jurisdiction governed by a North American regulator. The management of the insurance entity does not need to be physically based in North America.
  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, at no charge for attending, should they be shortlisted as a Finalist. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists wishing to purchase a table of 5 or 10.
  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


1. In no more than five words, what type of insurance cover do you offer or specialise in, i.e. bulk annuity, general life insurance, with-profits? The judges will be using your answer to:

  • Help assess your answers to the remaining questions in the context of your business activities
  • Conduct a fair comparison to other entries in this category

2. How have you found and generated outperformance for the risk and capital that you can commit to investments? Does this align with current market trends, and if not, how will you adapt to ensure that you are well placed to respond to new trends? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken optimises the opportunity for gains on a risk-reward ratio basis, and;
  • If they believe the method and / or approach to identifying and generating outperformance are clearly defined

3. How do you approach volatility and wider market risk management along with providing attractive returns from invested capital? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If the methods employed safeguard the investable assets from a range of market risks but also allow for the potential for attractive returns, and;
  • If the approach is considered well-structured and adaptable as market environments evolve

4. What is a stand-out feature to how you manage capital, cash, and liquidity management, such as capital reserves management, cashflow projections, cash operations, in tandem with your investment activities? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the method and / or approach to capital and cash operations complement well and / or offer opportunities for greater capital usage in investments, and;
  • That the approach is clearly defined and allows for an opportunity to be evolved, changed, or further developed over time, to the benefit of investment activities

Optional 1. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “ESG Investment Strategy of the Year” award in addition to this entry] How have you integrated considerations, actions, or set guidelines for investing that align with the principles of ESG investing, that are unique, innovative, and / or novel in the industry? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken is truly unique or novel amongst peers, and;
  • If they believe the approach taken is well thought out and is being consistently applied to all or relevant investment activities

Optional 2. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “Investment Innovation of the Year” award in addition to this entry] What one innovation or series of innovations have you introduced or made to how you manage your investments that truly sets you apart from your insurance peers? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken shows an alternative or contrarian way of thinking about management of insurers investable assets, and;
  • If they believe the approach positions the entrant to deliver outperformance and / or mitigate risks where others not applying such innovations would not benefit in the same way

Overall Insurer Categories (Life and Non-Life Insurers) 

The “ESG Investment Strategy of the Year” award recognizes an insurance company and their principles, rules, or actions taken as part of their investment approach that relate to Environmental, Social, or Governance based investing.

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Entry Criteria and Methodology

  • These awards are open to all insurance entities based in a jurisdiction governed by a North American regulator. The management of the insurance entity does not need to be physically based in North America.
  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words 
  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, at no charge for attending, should they be shortlisted as a Finalist. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists wishing to purchase a table of 5 or 10.
  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


1. How have you integrated considerations, actions, or set guidelines for investing that align with the principles of ESG investing, that are unique, innovative, and / or novel in the industry? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken is truly unique or novel amongst peers, and;
  • If they believe the approach taken is well thought out and is being consistently applied to all or relevant investment activities

The “Innovation of the Year” award recognizes an insurance company and a single or series of related innovations that they have applied to their business and / or principles, rules, or actions taken as part of their capital management and / or investment approach.

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Entry Criteria and Methodology

  • These awards are open to all insurance entities based in a jurisdiction governed by a North American regulator. The management of the insurance entity does not need to be physically based in North America.
  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words 
  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, at no charge for attending, should they be shortlisted as a Finalist. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists wishing to purchase a table of 5 or 10.
  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


1. What one innovation or series of innovations have you introduced or made to how you manage your investments that truly sets you apart from your insurance peers? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken shows an alternative or contrarian way of thinking about management of insurers investable assets, and;
  • If they believe the approach positions the entrant to deliver outperformance and / or mitigate risks where others not applying such innovations would not benefit in the same way

The "Small and Mid-Sized Mutual / Fraternal Insurer Investment Strategy of the Year” award recognizes a mutual or fraternal insurance organisation that has less than $50bn in AuM, offering a variety of insurance coverage to members.

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Entry Criteria and Methodology

  • These awards are open to all insurance entities based in a jurisdiction governed by a North American regulator. The management of the insurance entity does not need to be physically based in North America.
  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, at no charge for attending, should they be shortlisted as a Finalist. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists wishing to purchase a table of 5 or 10.
  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


1. [To be answered only if an insurer of Non-Life insurance risk] How do you approach volatility and wider market risk management along with providing attractive returns from invested capital? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If the methods employed safeguard the investable assets from a range of market risks but also allow for the potential for attractive returns, and;
  • If the approach is considered well-structured and adaptable as market environments evolve

2. [To be answered only if an insurer of Non-Life insurance risk ] What is a stand-out feature to how you manage capital, cash, and liquidity management, such as capital reserves management, cashflow projections, cash operations, in tandem with your investment activities? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the method and / or approach to capital and cash operations complement well and / or offer opportunities for greater capital usage in investments, and;
  • That the approach is clearly defined and allows for an opportunity to be evolved, changed, or further developed over time, to the benefit of investment activities

3. [To be answered only if an insurer of Life insurance risk] Describe how your investment strategy is aligned with your business strategy or supports your overall business objectives? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the reason for choice of investment strategy is reasonable o That the approach is well-thought through and clearly understandable, and;
  • Could / should work to support your organisations business strategy and / or objectives

4. [To be answered only if an insurer of Life insurance risk] What have you done in the past 12-months that’s either new / different to the market or a change from your own approach in prior years, and why? If the idea has had time to reach fruition, then please provide details on how successful it was. Or, if not reached fruition stage yet, please provide details indicating it was a good decision. The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If the reason for the new / different approach sounds reasonable and well-thought through
  • If the judges believe the details offered explain the significant contribution made to the success or other positive developments experienced with the strategy, as opposed to believing the same positive developments would have occurred without the changes made

Optional 1. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “ESG Investment Strategy of the Year” award in addition to this entry] How have you integrated considerations, actions, or set guidelines for investing that align with the principles of ESG investing, that are unique, innovative, and / or novel in the industry? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken is truly unique or novel amongst peers, and;
  • If they believe the approach taken is well thought out and is being consistently applied to all or relevant investment activities

Optional 2. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “Investment Innovation of the Year” award in addition to this entry] What one innovation or series of innovations have you introduced or made to how you manage your investments that truly sets you apart from your insurance peers? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken shows an alternative or contrarian way of thinking about management of insurers investable assets, and;
  • If they believe the approach positions the entrant to deliver outperformance and / or mitigate risks where others not applying such innovations would not benefit in the same way

The "Reinsurance Investment Strategy of the Year” award recognizes a life, non-life, or multi-line focussed insurance company that insurers some or all of a primary insurers – “cedents” – insurance policies.

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Entry Criteria and Methodology

  • These awards are open to all insurance entities based in a jurisdiction governed by a North American regulator. The management of the insurance entity does not need to be physically based in North America.
  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, at no charge for attending, should they be shortlisted as a Finalist. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists wishing to purchase a table of 5 or 10.
  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


1. [To be answered only if an insurer of Non-Life insurance risk] How do you approach volatility and wider market risk management along with providing attractive returns from invested capital?  The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If the methods employed safeguard the investable assets from a range of market risks but also allow for the potential for attractive returns, and;
  • If the approach is considered well-structured and adaptable as market environments evolve

2. [To be answered only if an insurer of Non-Life insurance risk ] What is a stand-out feature to how you manage capital, cash, and liquidity management, such as capital reserves management, cashflow projections, cash operations, in tandem with your investment activities?  The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the method and / or approach to capital and cash operations complement well and / or offer opportunities for greater capital usage in investments, and;
  • That the approach is clearly defined and allows for an opportunity to be evolved, changed, or further developed over time, to the benefit of investment activities

3. [To be answered only if an insurer of Life insurance risk] Describe how your investment strategy, or range of investments offered if a Unit Linked Funds and / or DC Pensions Platform Provider, is aligned with your business strategy or supports your overall business objectives? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the reason for choice of investment strategy is reasonable o That the approach is well-thought through and clearly understandable, and;
  • Could / should work to support your organisations business strategy and / or objectives

4. [To be answered only if an insurer of Life insurance risk] What have you done in the past 12-months that’s either new / different to the market or a change from your own approach in prior years, and why? If the idea has had time to reach fruition, then please provide details on how successful it was. Or, if not reached fruition stage yet, please provide details indicating it was a good decision. The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If the reason for the new / different approach sounds reasonable and well-thought through
  • If the judges believe the details offered explain the significant contribution made to the success or other positive developments experienced with the strategy, as opposed to believing the same positive developments would have occurred without the changes made

Optional 1. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “ESG Investment Strategy of the Year” award in addition to this entry] How have you integrated considerations, actions, or set guidelines for investing that align with the principles of ESG investing, that are unique, innovative, and / or novel in the industry? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken is truly unique or novel amongst peers, and;
  • If they believe the approach taken is well thought out and is being consistently applied to all or relevant investment activities

Optional 2. [To be answered only if you wish to enter the “Investment Innovation of the Year” award in addition to this entry] What one innovation or series of innovations have you introduced or made to how you manage your investments that truly sets you apart from your insurance peers? The judges will be rating answers on:

  • If they believe the approach taken shows an alternative or contrarian way of thinking about management of insurers investable assets, and;
  • If they believe the approach positions the entrant to deliver outperformance and / or mitigate risks where others not applying such innovations would not benefit in the same way

Third-Party Asset & Fund Managers Categories 

The “Emerging Markets Manager of the Year” award recognizes a third-party manager who has developed an exceptional service and / or solution offering specifically in the area of emerging markets, either solely or as part of their wider investment group activities. The definition of “Emerging Markets” for the purpose of this award include investments in countries included in the 24 countries that make up the constituents of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index or 28 countries that make up the constituents of the MSCI Frontier Markets Index.

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Entry Requirements

  • This award is open to investment companies whose management company, fund, or product referenced in the entry is domiciled in a North American jurisdiction and open to investment from North American based insurance risk carriers. The managers of the fund or investment solution do not need to be based physically in North America.
  • Entrants must disclose the number of years track record and provide any return data offered as evidence in Excel format
  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner, but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


1. What is the total amount of Assets under Management that your firm manages and separately, what is the total amount of insurance assets that your firm manages (in North America)? The judges will be using this information to consider the context of your answers relative to the amount of assets that your firm manages, both for insurers in particular and as a total for all client groups.

    2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond?. The judges will be rating answers on:

      • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
      • How well the manager has set their business up to respond
      • How adaptable the manager is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

      3. Please detail notable risk management structures or processes that protect downside risk whilst optimise client positions for upside gains. The judges will be rating answers on:

        • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management framework, related to peers 
        • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful process has been employed

      4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in reaching their overall capital management and investment objectives?  The judges will be rating answers on:

        • How the managers offered education and support helps clients develop their overall portfolio strategies or / and asset allocation plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
        • How creative and well thought through the managers approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

      The "ESG Investment Manager of the Year" award recognizes a third-party investment manager who offers ESG, responsible, sustainable, stewardship focussed, or impact investment solutions, either solely or as part of their wider investment group activities.

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      Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

      Entry Requirements

      • This award is open to investment companies whose management company, fund, or product referenced in the entry is domiciled in a North American jurisdiction and open to investment from North American based insurance risk carriers. The managers of the fund or investment solution do not need to be based physically in North America.
      • Entrants must disclose the number of years track record and provide any return data offered as evidence in Excel format
      • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
      • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner, but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
      • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


      1. What is the total amount of Assets under Management that your firm manages and separately, what is the total amount of insurance assets that your firm manages (in North America)? The judges will be using this information to consider the context of your answers relative to the amount of assets that your firm manages, both for insurers in particular and as a total for all client groups.

        2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond?. The judges will be rating answers on:

          • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
          • How well the manager has set their business up to respond
          • How adaptable the manager is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

          3. Please detail notable risk management structures or processes that protect downside risk whilst optimise client positions for upside gains. The judges will be rating answers on:

            • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management framework, related to peers 
            • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful process has been employed

          4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in reaching their overall capital management and investment objectives?  The judges will be rating answers on:

            • How the managers offered education and support helps clients develop their overall portfolio strategies or / and asset allocation plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
            • How creative and well thought through the managers approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

          The "Equities Investment Manager of the Year" award recognizes a third-party investment manager focussed majority on investments in Equity securities, either solely or as part of their wider investment group activities.

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          Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

          Entry Requirements

          • This award is open to investment companies whose management company, fund, or product referenced in the entry is domiciled in a North American jurisdiction and open to investment from North American based insurance risk carriers. The managers of the fund or investment solution do not need to be based physically in North America.
          • Entrants must disclose the number of years track record and provide any return data offered as evidence in Excel format
          • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
          • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner, but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
          • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


          1. What is the total amount of Assets under Management that your firm manages and separately, what is the total amount of insurance assets that your firm manages (in North America)? The judges will be using this information to consider the context of your answers relative to the amount of assets that your firm manages, both for insurers in particular and as a total for all client groups.

            2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond?. The judges will be rating answers on:

              • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
              • How well the manager has set their business up to respond
              • How adaptable the manager is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

              3. Please detail notable risk management structures or processes that protect downside risk whilst optimise client positions for upside gains. The judges will be rating answers on:

                • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management framework, related to peers 
                • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful process has been employed

              4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in reaching their overall capital management and investment objectives?  The judges will be rating answers on:

                • How the managers offered education and support helps clients develop their overall portfolio strategies or / and asset allocation plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                • How creative and well thought through the managers approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

              The "Exchange Traded Products Provider of the Year" award recognizes a provider of Exchange Traded Products for insurance risk carriers. Funds that are relevant for this award are those termed as Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”), Exchange Traded Funds (“ETFs”), Exchange Traded Notes (“ETNs”), or Exchange Traded Commodities (“ETCs”).

              You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
              Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

              Entry Requirements

              • This award is open to investment companies whose management company, fund, or product referenced in the entry is domiciled in a North American jurisdiction and open to investment from North American based insurance risk carriers. The managers of the fund or investment solution do not need to be based physically in North America.
              • Entrants must disclose the number of years track record and provide any return data offered as evidence in Excel format
              • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
              • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner, but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
              • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


              1. What is the total amount of Assets under Management that your firm manages and separately, what is the total amount of insurance assets that your firm manages (in North America)? The judges will be using this information to consider the context of your answers relative to the amount of assets that your firm manages, both for insurers in particular and as a total for all client groups.

                2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond?. The judges will be rating answers on:

                  • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                  • How well the manager has set their business up to respond
                  • How adaptable the manager is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                  3. Please detail notable risk management structures or processes that protect downside risk whilst optimise client positions for upside gains. The judges will be rating answers on:

                    • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management framework, related to peers 
                    • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful process has been employed

                  4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in reaching their overall capital management and investment objectives?  The judges will be rating answers on:

                    • How the managers offered education and support helps clients develop their overall portfolio strategies or / and asset allocation plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                    • How creative and well thought through the managers approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                  The "Fixed Income Manager of the Year" award recognizes a third-party investment manager focussed majority on investments in Fixed Income securities or management of a Fixed Income investment (s), either solely or as part of their wider investment group activities. Fixed income securities include bonds, notes, and other debt instruments.

                  You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                  Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                  Entry Requirements

                  • This award is open to investment companies whose management company, fund, or product referenced in the entry is domiciled in a North American jurisdiction and open to investment from North American based insurance risk carriers. The managers of the fund or investment solution do not need to be based physically in North America.
                  • Entrants must disclose the number of years track record and provide any return data offered as evidence in Excel format
                  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner, but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                  1. What is the total amount of Assets under Management that your firm manages and separately, what is the total amount of insurance assets that your firm manages (in North America)? The judges will be using this information to consider the context of your answers relative to the amount of assets that your firm manages, both for insurers in particular and as a total for all client groups.

                    2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond?. The judges will be rating answers on:

                      • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                      • How well the manager has set their business up to respond
                      • How adaptable the manager is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                      3. Please detail notable risk management structures or processes that protect downside risk whilst optimise client positions for upside gains. The judges will be rating answers on:

                        • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management framework, related to peers 
                        • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful process has been employed

                      4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in reaching their overall capital management and investment objectives?  The judges will be rating answers on:

                        • How the managers offered education and support helps clients develop their overall portfolio strategies or / and asset allocation plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                        • How creative and well thought through the managers approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                      The "Infrastructure Manager of the Year" award recognizes a third-party investment manager focussed majority on investments in Infrastructure assets or management of an Infrastructure investment solution(s), either solely or as part of their wider investment group activities. Infrastructure includes investments in “real assets,” which contain physical assets seen in everyday life, such as bridges, roads, highways, sewage systems, or energy but not property.

                      You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                      Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                      Entry Requirements

                      • This award is open to investment companies whose management company, fund, or product referenced in the entry is domiciled in a North American jurisdiction and open to investment from North American based insurance risk carriers. The managers of the fund or investment solution do not need to be based physically in North America.
                      • Entrants must disclose the number of years track record and provide any return data offered as evidence in Excel format
                      • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                      • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner, but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                      • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                      1. What is the total amount of Assets under Management that your firm manages and separately, what is the total amount of insurance assets that your firm manages (in North America)? The judges will be using this information to consider the context of your answers relative to the amount of assets that your firm manages, both for insurers in particular and as a total for all client groups.

                        2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond?. The judges will be rating answers on:

                          • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                          • How well the manager has set their business up to respond
                          • How adaptable the manager is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                          3. Please detail notable risk management structures or processes that protect downside risk whilst optimise client positions for upside gains. The judges will be rating answers on:

                            • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management framework, related to peers 
                            • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful process has been employed

                          4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in reaching their overall capital management and investment objectives?  The judges will be rating answers on:

                            • How the managers offered education and support helps clients develop their overall portfolio strategies or / and asset allocation plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                            • How creative and well thought through the managers approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit
                          The "Insurance Asset Manager of the Year" award recognizes a third-party investment manager who has developed an overall exceptional service and / or solution offering to insurance risk carriers in one or a variety of asset classes and investment styles.
                          You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                          Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                          Entry Requirements

                          • This award is open to investment companies whose management company, fund, or product referenced in the entry is domiciled in a North American jurisdiction and open to investment from North American based insurance risk carriers. The managers of the fund or investment solution do not need to be based physically in North America.
                          • Entrants must disclose the number of years track record and provide any return data offered as evidence in Excel format
                          • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                          • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner, but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                          • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                          1. What is the total amount of Assets under Management that your firm manages and separately, what is the total amount of insurance assets that your firm manages (in North America)? The judges will be using this information to consider the context of your answers relative to the amount of assets that your firm manages, both for insurers in particular and as a total for all client groups.

                            2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond?. The judges will be rating answers on:

                              • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                              • How well the manager has set their business up to respond
                              • How adaptable the manager is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                              3. Please detail notable risk management structures or processes that protect downside risk whilst optimise client positions for upside gains. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management framework, related to peers 
                                • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful process has been employed

                              4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in reaching their overall capital management and investment objectives?  The judges will be rating answers on:

                                • How the managers offered education and support helps clients develop their overall portfolio strategies or / and asset allocation plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                                • How creative and well thought through the managers approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                              The "Money Market and Cash Manager of the Year" award recognizes a third-party manager who has developed an exceptional service and / or solution offering specifically in the area of money market or equivalent funds for insurance risk carriers, either solely or as part of their wider investment group activities.

                              You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                              Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                              Entry Requirements

                              • This award is open to investment companies whose management company, fund, or product referenced in the entry is domiciled in a North American jurisdiction and open to investment from North American based insurance risk carriers. The managers of the fund or investment solution do not need to be based physically in North America.
                              • Entrants must disclose the number of years track record and provide any return data offered as evidence in Excel format
                              • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                              • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner, but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                              • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                              1. What is the total amount of Assets under Management that your firm manages and separately, what is the total amount of insurance assets that your firm manages (in North America)? The judges will be using this information to consider the context of your answers relative to the amount of assets that your firm manages, both for insurers in particular and as a total for all client groups.

                                2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond?. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                  • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                                  • How well the manager has set their business up to respond
                                  • How adaptable the manager is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                                  3. Please detail notable risk management structures or processes that protect downside risk whilst optimise client positions for upside gains. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                    • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management framework, related to peers 
                                    • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful process has been employed

                                  4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in reaching their overall capital management and investment objectives?  The judges will be rating answers on:

                                    • How the managers offered education and support helps clients develop their overall portfolio strategies or / and asset allocation plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                                    • How creative and well thought through the managers approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                                  The "Private Markets Manager of the Year" award recognizes a third-party investment manager focussed majority on investments in Private Market or unlisted securities or management of a Private Markets investment solution(s), either solely or as part of their wider investment group activities. Funds that are eligible for this award include ones that invest in assets not traded on a public exchange or stock market.

                                  You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                                  Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                                  Entry Requirements

                                  • This award is open to investment companies whose management company, fund, or product referenced in the entry is domiciled in a North American jurisdiction and open to investment from North American based insurance risk carriers. The managers of the fund or investment solution do not need to be based physically in North America.
                                  • Entrants must disclose the number of years track record and provide any return data offered as evidence in Excel format
                                  • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                                  • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner, but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                                  • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                                  1. What is the total amount of Assets under Management that your firm manages and separately, what is the total amount of insurance assets that your firm manages (in North America)? The judges will be using this information to consider the context of your answers relative to the amount of assets that your firm manages, both for insurers in particular and as a total for all client groups.

                                    2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond?. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                      • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                                      • How well the manager has set their business up to respond
                                      • How adaptable the manager is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                                      3. Please detail notable risk management structures or processes that protect downside risk whilst optimise client positions for upside gains. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                        • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management framework, related to peers 
                                        • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful process has been employed

                                      4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in reaching their overall capital management and investment objectives?  The judges will be rating answers on:

                                        • How the managers offered education and support helps clients develop their overall portfolio strategies or / and asset allocation plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                                        • How creative and well thought through the managers approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                                      The "Real Estate Manager of the Year" award recognizes a third-party investment manager focussed majority on investments in Real Estate assets or management of a Real Estate investment solution(s), either solely or as part of their wider investment group activities. Real estate investments include those made for the purpose of generating a return from rental income and / or asset value appreciation.

                                      You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                                      Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                                      Entry Requirements

                                      • This award is open to investment companies whose management company, fund, or product referenced in the entry is domiciled in a North American jurisdiction and open to investment from North American based insurance risk carriers. The managers of the fund or investment solution do not need to be based physically in North America.
                                      • Entrants must disclose the number of years track record and provide any return data offered as evidence in Excel format
                                      • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                                      • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner, but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                                      • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                                      1. What is the total amount of Assets under Management that your firm manages and separately, what is the total amount of insurance assets that your firm manages (in North America)? The judges will be using this information to consider the context of your answers relative to the amount of assets that your firm manages, both for insurers in particular and as a total for all client groups.

                                        2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond?. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                          • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                                          • How well the manager has set their business up to respond
                                          • How adaptable the manager is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                                          3. Please detail notable risk management structures or processes that protect downside risk whilst optimise client positions for upside gains. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                            • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management framework, related to peers 
                                            • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful process has been employed

                                          4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in reaching their overall capital management and investment objectives?  The judges will be rating answers on:

                                            • How the managers offered education and support helps clients develop their overall portfolio strategies or / and asset allocation plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                                            • How creative and well thought through the managers approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                                          Operations & Fund Services Categories 

                                          The “Data Management Provider of the Year” award recognizes a data or information management provider that has developed one or more services, products, or solutions for insurance risk carriers and / or third-party managers who specifically are seeking support in the management of insurance risk carriers capital and / or investable management activities.

                                          You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                                          Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                                          Entry Requirements

                                          • This award is open to a data management product, service, or solution providers who has operations in North America. The management of the company does not need to be based physically in North America.
                                          • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                                          • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                                          • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                                          1. What makes your business different from your peers in this category? Please provide at least one and no more than three examples. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                            • How unique the business is
                                            • If the judges asses the business to be addressing a gap in the market and / or offer solution(s) that fits as part of a diversified operations management strategy
                                            • Whether the purpose behind the business is more relevant than peers in the coming 12-months

                                          2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond? The judges will be rating answers on:

                                            • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                                            • How well the entrant has set their business up to respond
                                            • How adaptable the entrant is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                                          3. Please explain three notable risks of failure that exist in your product, service, and / or solution offering(s) and how these are effectively managed, to protect client interests. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                            • The judges evaluation of the three notable risks of failure and how significant they perceive them to be in terms of impact on clients
                                            • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management approaches to mitigate impact on clients
                                            • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful approach to risk management

                                          4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in optimising their overall approach to capital management and investment activities? The judges will be rating answers on:

                                            • How the entrant offered education and support helps clients develop their overall capital, asset allocation, or investment management plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                                            • How creative and well thought through the entrants approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                                          The “Fund Administrator of the Year” award recognizes a fund administration provider that has developed one or more services or solutions specifically for insurance risk carriers and / or third-party managers who specifically are seeking support in the management of insurance risk carriers capital management and / or investable assets. Eligible companies for this award include ones that manage the day-to-day operations of insurers or third-party investment funds.

                                            You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                                            Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                                            Entry Requirements

                                            • This award is open to fund administrators/technology providers/data management product, service, or solution providers/risk management product, service, or solution providers, and who are based in North America. The management of the company does not need to be based physically in North America.
                                            • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                                            • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                                            • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                                            1. What makes your business different from your peers in this category? Please provide at least one and no more than three examples. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How unique the business is
                                              • If the judges asses the business to be addressing a gap in the market and / or offer solution(s) that fits as part of a diversified operations management strategy
                                              • Whether the purpose behind the business is more relevant than peers in the coming 12-months

                                            2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond? The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                                              • How well the entrant has set their business up to respond
                                              • How adaptable the entrant is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                                            3. Please explain three notable risks of failure that exist in your product, service, and / or solution offering(s) and how these are effectively managed, to protect client interests. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • The judges evaluation of the three notable risks of failure and how significant they perceive them to be in terms of impact on clients
                                              • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management approaches to mitigate impact on clients
                                              • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful approach to risk management

                                            4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in optimising their overall approach to capital management and investment activities? The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How the entrant offered education and support helps clients develop their overall capital, asset allocation, or investment management plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                                              • How creative and well thought through the entrants approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                                            The “Investment & Portfolio Management Technology of the Year” award recognizes a technology provider that has developed one or more technology or IT based services, products, or solutions for insurance risk carriers and / or third-party managers who specifically are seeking support in the management of insurance risk carriers capital and / or investable management activities.

                                            You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                                            Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                                            Entry Requirements

                                            • This award is open to a technology product, service, or solution provider who has operations in North America. The management of the company does not need to be based physically in North America.
                                            • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                                            • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                                            • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                                            1. What makes your business different from your peers in this category? Please provide at least one and no more than three examples. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How unique the business is
                                              • If the judges asses the business to be addressing a gap in the market and / or offer solution(s) that fits as part of a diversified operations management strategy
                                              • Whether the purpose behind the business is more relevant than peers in the coming 12-months

                                            2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond? The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                                              • How well the entrant has set their business up to respond
                                              • How adaptable the entrant is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                                            3. Please explain three notable risks of failure that exist in your product, service, and / or solution offering(s) and how these are effectively managed, to protect client interests. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • The judges evaluation of the three notable risks of failure and how significant they perceive them to be in terms of impact on clients
                                              • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management approaches to mitigate impact on clients
                                              • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful approach to risk management

                                            4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in optimising their overall approach to capital management and investment activities? The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How the entrant offered education and support helps clients develop their overall capital, asset allocation, or investment management plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                                              • How creative and well thought through the entrants approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                                            The “Risk Management Provider of the Year” award recognizes a risk management focussed provider that has developed one or more service, product, or solution for insurance risk carriers and / or third-party managers who specifically are seeking support in the management of investment and / or actuarial risk as it relates to capital and / or investable management activities

                                            You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                                            Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                                            Entry Requirements

                                            • This award is open to risk management product, service, or solution providers, and who are based in North America. The management of the company does not need to be based physically in North America.
                                            • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                                            • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                                            • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                                            1. What makes your business different from your peers in this category? Please provide at least one and no more than three examples. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How unique the business is
                                              • If the judges asses the business to be addressing a gap in the market and / or offer solution(s) that fits as part of a diversified operations management strategy
                                              • Whether the purpose behind the business is more relevant than peers in the coming 12-months

                                            2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond? The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                                              • How well the entrant has set their business up to respond
                                              • How adaptable the entrant is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                                            3. Please explain three notable risks of failure that exist in your product, service, and / or solution offering(s) and how these are effectively managed, to protect client interests. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • The judges evaluation of the three notable risks of failure and how significant they perceive them to be in terms of impact on clients
                                              • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management approaches to mitigate impact on clients
                                              • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful approach to risk management

                                            4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in optimising their overall approach to capital management and investment activities? The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How the entrant offered education and support helps clients develop their overall capital, asset allocation, or investment management plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                                              • How creative and well thought through the entrants approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                                            Consulting Categories 

                                            The "Investment Consultant of the Year" award recognizes a consulting firm that has developed one or more services, products, or solutions for insurance risk carriers and / or third-party managers who specifically are seeking support in the management of insurance risk carriers capital and / or investable management activities. Eligible entrants are those whose services, products, or solutions relate to capital, asset allocation, or investment management activities

                                            You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
                                            Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

                                            Entry Requirements

                                            • This award is open to consulting and advisory focussed companies, not one individual, who are based in North America. The company needs to have a physical presence in North America, via representatives directly employed by the company based in North America.
                                            • Submissions should not exceed 250 words per answer
                                            • Entrants must nominate a person to receive the award at the Awards ceremony, only should they be shortlisted as a Finalist, purchasing one ticket for $600. Finalists are not obligated to purchase a table at the Awards dinner but discounts are offered to finalists for purchasing a table of 5 or 10 people.
                                            • Submissions will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (weak) – 100 (excellent)


                                            1. What makes your business different from your peers in this category? Please provide at least one and no more than three examples. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How unique the business is
                                              • If the judges asses the business to be addressing a gap in the market and / or offer solution(s) that fits as part of a diversified outsourced consultancy strategy
                                              • Whether the purpose behind the business is more relevant than peers in the coming 12-months

                                            2. What do you see as the key trends for the next 2-3 years that could impact your business or product / solution offering, and how do you ensure your business is well placed to respond? The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How realistic the trends referred to are deemed to be
                                              • How well the entrant has set their business up to respond
                                              • How adaptable the entrant is should the trends be greater or lesser than expected, to respond to evolving situations

                                            3. Please explain three notable risks of failure that exist in your business, product, service, and / or solution offering(s) and how these are effectively managed, to protect client interests. The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • The judges evaluation of the three notable risks of failure and how significant they perceive them to be in terms of impact on clients
                                              • The judges perception of the structures, processes, and overall risk management approaches to mitigate impact on clients
                                              • Innovative approaches that the entrant employs, that illustrate a thoughtful approach to risk management

                                            4. How do you educate and support your client base, to assist them in optimising their overall approach to capital management and investment activities? The judges will be rating answers on:

                                              • How the entrant offered education and support helps clients develop their overall capital, asset allocation, or investment management plans, that may go beyond benefitting the entrants own suite of offerings
                                              • How creative and well thought through the entrants approach is as well as clear in how clients would benefit

                                            Special Award 

                                            The "Outstanding Contribution to Industry" award recognizes an individual who has made a significant contribution to the Insurance Asset Management industry in North America over the previous 12 or more months.

                                            The award winner will have shown exceptional leadership, innovation, and dedication in the field of asset allocation, investment, treasury, capital, asset risk, or capital actuarial management, and demonstrated through a combination of factors such as professional accomplishments, contributions to the industry, and actions taken to evolve theirs or their organisations approaches.

                                            This award will be the only one voted for by awards Judges, Insurance Investor’s Advisory Board, and community of subscribers to Insurance Investor (

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                                            Methodology and Winner Selection

                                            • This award is for one individual who has been based in North America for all or most of the past 12-months
                                            • Those nominating will be asked for one nomination of an individual they believe deserves the prize more than others
                                            • Those nominated by a person within their own firm will receive a half vote, as we’re keen to encourage recognition across the industry
                                            • Once all nominations have been received, a representative of the organizer, Clear Path Analysis, will tally all nominations and if one person gets the most votes, then that person will be the winner. If not, we’ll ask our awards Judges to put the nominations in first, second, and third preference with a scoring of:
                                              • 1 point for being on short list of three – person with most points wins
                                              • If still equal, first getting 5 points, second getting 3, and third getting 1 point, with the person with most votes winning, unless equal
                                              • Should there still be equal votes, then the Chief Executive Officer of Clear Path Analysis will choose the winner based on reasons given for their nomination